previous editions > prize 2004
The international competition jury composed by Paulo Branco, Carmen Cobos, Luciano Barisone, Marie-Pierre Duhamel Müller and Margarida Cardoso attribute the doclisboa / Odisseia channel award (5.000 euros) for the best feature documentary film screened in the International Competition to the film:
a scuola by Leonardo di Costanzo
“Through a specific micro cosmos, a school on the outskirts of Naples, the film manages to cover several fundamental issues that arrise today in the societies that we propose ourselves to build.A disturbing call for attention.”

The international competition jury composed by Paulo Branco, Carmen Cobos, Luciano Barisone, Marie-Pierre Duhamel Müller and Margarida Cardoso attribute the special jury’s award to the film:
S21 – la machine de mort Khmer Rouge by Rithy Panh
“The Jury decided to award one of the most remarkable films of the last years, distinguished by the unique and innovative cinematographic sensitivity in the approach of the horror of genocide.
We look forward for the distribution of the film in Portugal…”

The international competition jury composed by Paulo Branco, Carmen Cobos, Luciano Barisone, Marie-Pierre Duhamel Müller and Margarida Cardoso attribute the special mention jury to the film:
justiça by Maria Ramos
“For the perspective without compromise or demagogy on the social destinies of Brazil.”

The international competition jury composed by Paulo Branco, Carmen Cobos, Luciano Barisone, Marie-Pierre Duhamel Müller and Margarida Cardoso attributes the doclisboa / Jameson award (3.000 euros) for the best short documentary film screened in the International Competition to the film:
in the dark by Sergey Dvortsevoy
“An extremely human, tender and ruthless portrait of the solitude and isolation in a society falling apart.”

The first documentary film and best portuguese documentary jury composed by Margarita Ledo Andión, Lisa Hagstrand, Cândida Pinto, Miguel Wandschneider and Carlos Pinsky attribute the doclisboa / Tóbis award (3.500 euros) for the best portuguese documentary film screened at doclisboa 2004 to the film:
autografia by Miguel Gonçalves Mendes
“The awarded film is far from having achieved the jury’s unanimity. None of the jury members has considered a film unequivocally superior to the others. All the members of the jury found interesting aspects in several films.
The Portuguese competition awarded film is “Autografia” by Miguel Gonçalves Mendes. A film by a young director that meets a remarkable figure of the Portuguese culture that exposes his personality and his life with an unusual courage. The jury regards this award as a great expectation on future works of the director.”

The first documentary film and best portuguese documentary jury composed by Margarita Ledo Andión, Lisa Hagstrand, Cândida Pinto, Miguel Wandschneider and Carlos Pinsky attribute the doclisboa / Adobe award (3.000 euros) for the best first documentary film screened at doclisboa 2004 to the film:
fruitful summer by Guo Jing and Ke Dingding
“(…) the jury took in consideration the universality of the theme, the filmic treatment, underlining the fact that this is a first film and the way the main character develops, leading the public to feel close to her. For all what was said above the jury decided to award the film “Fruitful Summer” by Guo Jing and Ke Dingding, from China.
The jury also wishes to point out the film “Checkpoint” that shows us an impressing testimony of the Israeli-palestinian reality, which is impossible to ignore.”

The College Jury composed by the students Maria Lalande from Universidade Lusófona, Miguel Lobo Antunes from IADE, Patricia Braz from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH), Paulo Fonseca from ETIC and Raquel Vitório from Restart attribute the award for the best documentary screened in the International Competition to the film:
in the dark by Sergey Dvortsevoy
“The chosen film breaks the established canon of contemporary documentary film. Fourty minutes of endless reading possibilities, with an overwhelming poetic approach. It is impossible to experience this film without being emotionally attached.”

The High School Jury composed by the students Cláudia Barata, Luís Miguel Silva, Sara Ribeiro, Sofia Sousa and Zara Castelo from D. Filipa de Lencastre High School attribute the award for the best portuguese documentary screened at doclisboa 2004 to the film:
no jardim do mundo by Maya Rosa
“Through the poetry and truth of the characters, this film has captured our attention to a reality more and more distant, creating a confrontation between the past and the present, the memories of such a peculiar world as Alentejo.
So, according to the previously established criteria, we have decided to choose the “Jardim do Mundo” by Maya Rosa, for its strong message.”

The portuguese film club federation composed by Artur Carvalho, Luís Pedro Blanch and Ricardo Medeiros attribute the award for the best foreign documentary screened in the International Competition to the film:
no jardim do mundo by Maya Rosa

The portuguese film club federation composed by Artur Carvalho, Luís Pedro Blanch and Ricardo Medeiros attribute the award for the best portuguese documentary film screened in the International Competition to the film:
entre duas terras by Muriel Jaquerod and Eduardo Saraiva Pereira

  Leonardo di Costanzo, vencedor do Grande Prémio doclisboa / canal Odisseia no seu discurso de agradecimento
Leonardo di Costanzo, vencedor do Grande Prémio doclisboa / canal Odisseia no seu discurso de agradecimento

Paulo Branco (Membro do Júri da Competição Internacional) anunciando o prémio especial do Júri
Paulo Branco (Membro do Júri da Competição Internacional)
anunciando o prémio especial do Júri

Paulo Branco (Membro do Juri da Competição Internacional) anunciando o prémio para a melhor curta metragem documental) com Luciano Barisone (Membro do Júri da Competição Internacional) e Serge Tréfaut, Nuno Sena e Ana Isabel Strindberg (direcção do Festival doclisboa 2004)
Paulo Branco (Membro do Juri da Competição Internacional) anunciando o prémio para a melhor curta metragem documental) com Luciano Barisone (Membro do Júri da Competição Internacional) e Serge Tréfaut, Nuno Sena e Ana Isabel Strindberg (direcção do Festival doclisboa 2004)

Miguel Gonçalves Mendes, vencedor do prémio doclisboa/Tóbis para o melhor documentário português pelo filme “autografia” , no seu discurso de agradecimento
Miguel Gonçalves Mendes, vencedor do prémio doclisboa/Tóbis para o melhor documentário português pelo filme “autografia” , no seu discurso de agradecimento

Miguel Wandschneider membro do Júri primeiras obras e Prémio Tóbis anunciando o vencedor do prémio primeiras obras
Miguel Wandschneider membro do Júri primeiras obras e Prémio Tóbis anunciando o vencedor do prémio primeiras obras

Luís Correia, produtor do filme “No Jardim do Mundo” vencedor do prémio atribuído pelo júri escolas
Luís Correia, produtor do filme “No Jardim do Mundo” vencedor do prémio atribuído pelo júri escolas

Os prémios doclisboa 2004
Os prémios doclisboa 2004

O público na Sessão de encerramento
O público na Sessão de encerramento

photos: Nuno Ricou Salgado © 2004