Confiscated Goods

Bens Confiscados

Carlos Reichenbach

The career of senator Américo Baldani is shaken by a series of scandals involving two of the women in his life. On the one hand, his wife accuses him of corruption, and on the other hand, his lover Isabel—mother of their secret son—commits suicide. To protect the boy, he is taken by force to a house in the hinterland and placed under the care of Serena, another former lover of Baldani. Bens Confiscados is a three-act drama on the relation between politics and intimacy. Actress Betty Faria (with whom Reichenbach had worked in Anjos do Arrabalde) plays the role of Serena.


13 Oct — 19:00 / 104’
Cinemateca Portuguesa Sala M. Félix Ribeiro

Retrospective Carlos Reichenbach

One Screening Only

Confiscated Goods

Carlos Reichenbach