No es por gusto...

No es por gusto...

Maria del Carmen de Lara, Maria Eugenia Tamés

The first documentary directed by Maria del Carmen de Lara, together with feminist producer, scriptwriter and director Maria Eugenia Tamés. A direct cinema experience, based on research on the harsh reality of sex workers in Mexico at the time. Testimonies from several women, who have different life paths, but share the violence to which they’re exposed: precariousness, prison, mistreatment, discrimination and dehumanisation.


13 Oct — 18:00 / 123’
Cinema São Jorge Sala 3

From the Earth to the Moon

One Screening Only

Y si eres mujer?

Guadalupe Sánchez Sosa

Cosas de mujeres

Rosa Martha Fernández

No es por gusto...

Maria del Carmen de Lara, Maria Eugenia Tamés